EARNEST PUGH, the singer-songwriter and worship leader known for No. 1 gospel hits such as his recent “God Wants to Heal You” and “I Need Your Glory,” has added the word author to his resume. The soulful singer will publish his first book, Abiding in the Place of Worship: Wisdom and Insight for Today’s Worshipper (Books 2 Live By/ $19.99), on November 13, 2020. It is based on Jesus’ “Parable of the Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:25-37). The parable finds life application for the worshiper through its foundational message of love and kindness. The illustration is further expanded to show that worshipers are most effective when they abide in the place, position and posture of worship. It is in the “presence” of God that the worshiper finds strength, safety and sustenance. Dr. Ralph Douglas West (pastor of The Church Without Walls in Houston, TX), penned the foreword. “This book will awaken you to the transformative power that is available when you commit yourself to a worshipful life,” he writes.
Other leaders have endorsed the project too. “This book will re-ground strong believers, initiate the lukewarm, and convince the skeptic who thinks worship is merely entertainment for the masses,” says Dr. Claudette Anderson Copeland of New Creations Christian Center in San Antonio, TX. “This book will help you go to a deeper place as you abide in your own place of worship and fellowship with God,” says Rev. Dr. Grainger Browning Jr. Of Ebenezer A.M.E. Church in Ft. Washington, MD. Amazon.com best-selling author, Dr. Steven W. Banks, adds, “Prepare to be enriched as you go from visitation to habitation.”
As an added bonus, the book comes with a companion compact disc of six songs. Among them are two songs that Pugh wrote, “More of You” and “Father, I Worship You.” There are other worshipful tracks written by Keith Williams, Marque Walker, Darwin Hobbs, as well as, “Alpha and Omega,” which was popularized by Israel Houghton years ago. The collection will be available in print and e-book at amazon.com and books2liveby.com
About Earnest Pugh
Aside from a dozen Billboard Magazine Gospel Airplay chart hits, Pugh has also earned three Billboard No. 1 hits with “Rain on Us,” “I Need Your Glory” and 2020’s, “God Wants to Heal You. In addition, he served over 20 years in the United States Army before receiving an honorable discharge. Over the years, he has served as music department director, worship leader and a minister of music at a number of prominent churches across the USA. To further perfect his worship, he later enrolled at Howard University School of Divinity where he earned a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degree.
During the COVID-19 shutdown, Pugh seized upon the opportunity to expand his offering to his vast constituency via a dynamic book containing valuable insight for modern day minstrels. With a 30-year history of working in the worship field, this book is brimming with information and inspiration that will benefit every reader, whether they are engaged in worship publicly or privately. In an effort to further enhancing the lives of worshipers, Pugh will offer a series of on-line instructional sessions based on the book (for more information/registration: www. earnestpughonline.com) beginning in October. Among the topics to be included in the series are: “The Psychology of the Wounded Worshipper,” “The Marriage Between the Pulpit and Music Pit,” and “The Persistence of Praise Amidst a Pandemic.”